A powerful natural antioxidant
Powellnux is a product that comes from a long research and selection of food substances rich in polyphenols, the most powerful natural antioxidants. The special patented formula of Powellnux contains a high quantity of polyphenols immediately available in the body.

Nuovo processo di raffinazione a freddo
La crema Powellnux viene ora prodotta e lavorata con un innovativo ed esclusivo processo di “raffinazione a freddo”, capace di salvaguardare e mantenere intatto il potere antiossidante degli elementi naturali (nocciole, cioccolata fondente, ,miele ,mandorle e Tè verde) contenuti nella speciale formula brevettata.

Frequently Asked Questions
Powellnux is a selected blend of natural foods based on hazelnuts ( from the Langhe ), dark cocoa, honey and green tea (Matcha ).
Hazelnuts, dark cocoa and green tea are three of the main superfoods with a powerful antioxidant effect, endowed with beneficial properties for health.
No, Powellnux Cream should be stored and consumed at room temperature. This way it will be soft and perfect to spread on bread, biscuits or directly enjoyed with a spoon.
As part of a healthy and balanced diet in all its components (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) Powellnux is able to:
- give more energy and improve physical performance, both in those who practice regular sports (athletes and non-athletes) and in sedentary subjects.
- The powerful antioxidant effect of Powellnux reduces oxidative stress, inhibiting the damaging effect of oxygen free radicals on all cells, with an antiaging action and slowing down the aging process .
- Its positive effect on the vascular system can also be of great use in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.