
I migliori Superfood

The best Superfoods

A Superfood is defined as: " a multifunctional food that, thanks to its high content of bionutrients and biologically active molecules, has exceptional nutritional properties or brings benefits to the...

La dieta Antiossidante

The Antioxidant Diet

The Longevity Diet Guest of the program "il mio Dottore" the cardiologist prof. Sanguigni who talks to us about the Longevity diet, a diet that allows us to age slowly...

Il libro "Super Food"

The book "Super Food"

Super-rich in nutrients, super-beneficial, super-energetic . In a word, superfood. From cocoa beans to walnuts, from chia seeds to tea, from turmeric to Goji berries. There are foods that promise...

Gli antiossidanti per praticare lo sport

Antioxidants for practicing sports

During exercise or training, oxygen consumption can increase up to 20 times compared to resting conditions; in particular, in working muscles this increase can be even 100 times higher. In...

Combattiamo l'invecchiamento

Let's fight aging

Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of premature cellular aging. In fact, cells are unable to age in a physiological way. The effect of a powerful antioxidant blend...

Intervista al Prof. Valerio Sanguigni

Interview with Prof. Valerio Sanguigni

Interview with cardiologist Valerio Sanguigni on "Health and Information" «Our chronological age does not always correspond to that of our cells, but longevity can be contributed to with superfoods. They...