I was often asked, when faced with dietary suggestions that I suggested: "Doctor, but why are most of the foods that are good to eat bad for your health?"
In my head I had developed the idea of creating a mixture that could have an antioxidant effect on the body, that was able to have scientifically proven beneficial effects on health. A product without contraindications, completely natural, but also pleasant to taste. A “natural medicine” that was good to eat, that would encourage patients to use it, that would not make them experience the perception of taking a drug.
That day in Turin I explained to a chemist, Giovanni, my project, supported by data obtained from the careful analysis of most of the great scientific studies in the literature. "What kind of vitamin or constituent would you add to the components to make it more effective?", I asked him. "Professor, look," he interrupts me kindly, "in some of the foods you mentioned there are such a quantity of polyphenols (natural antioxidants), that we don't need to add anything."
The formula actually already existed.
From there the adventure begins. The project takes shape and becomes a mix of hazelnuts (from the Langhe), dark cocoa (dark chocolate), Japanese green tea (Matcha), all food components that scientific literature has shown have healing qualities and are able to maintain their properties for a long time, without the harvest and their conservation affecting their nutritional and organoleptic capacities, which can happen with other foods. In the food laboratory the first mixing tests begin. At the same time I work in the laboratory on the composition of polyphenols and their antioxidant power.
To the mix of hazelnuts, cocoa and green tea, we add honey, another food rich in polyphenols, to reduce the amount of sugars with a high glycemic index .
After about two years of research with food, biochemical, functional tests and short pilot studies on volunteers, we develop the final formula with the exact quantities of the chosen ingredients. The mixture is prepared and produced in the form of a cream, with a special cold system, unique in its kind , to keep the antioxidant power of the contained foods as unaltered as possible, in an artisan company, always in Piedmont.
Since it is a totally natural food mix , without chemical additives, the goal is to make it totally absorbable by the body . Laboratory tests indicate that the quantity of polyphenols is very high , thanks to the combination of several foods, all with a high content of natural antioxidants . The other satisfaction comes from the "palatability" (taste) tests that confirm its good, special and original flavor.
This is how Powellnux was born , a name that includes three of its characteristics: “po” stands for power, “well” stands for wellness, and finally “nux” for hazelnut in Latin. A name that is only apparently international, since the true soul (the hazelnut) of the blend is totally made in Italy. Just as its history is Italian, and so is that of those who produced it together with me.
The products of the Powellnux line can only be purchased on the website :