Even according to the well-known virologist and Nobel Prize winner, Professor Luc Montagnier, “one way to fight infections is to modulate the immune system to react. The key is prevention by helping individuals to strengthen their immune defenses to prevent the virus from attacking more forcefully.”
One of the most studied aspects of immune deficiency is the role played by oxidative stress, that is, the increase in oxygen free radicals that severely weaken the immune defenses, especially in cases of psycho-physical stress.
For this reason, the possibility of using antioxidants to stimulate the immune system and prevent infections has carved out an increasingly significant space for itself.
Numerous studies have shown how the intake of antioxidants increases the antibody response.
Powellnux is a totally natural food blend, with a powerful antioxidant effect, demonstrated by a scientific study, following which a patent was obtained.
Its regular intake, as part of a healthy and balanced diet, can be useful in strengthening the immune system.