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A tavola con gli Antiossidanti

At the table with antioxidants

It is not only a question of beauty, but above all of health. In fact, antioxidant foods counteract cellular aging, due to the action of free radicals.

Stress, environmental pollution, UV rays, cigarette smoke are capable of increasing the formation of free radicals.
Antioxidants, in addition to slowing down aging, reduce the risk of developing the most serious degenerative diseases linked to free radicals and of promoting a series of inflammatory or degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, tumors. For this reason, it is very important that foods with antioxidant action are present in the daily diet.

The fight against cellular aging begins right at the table. Antioxidant foods are precisely those foods that contain molecules capable of protecting cells from the attack of free radicals.

A diet that fights free radicals is a true antiaging diet.
The Powellnux antioxidant diet is a completely innovative and scientifically validated dietary approach.

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Buy now on offer " Antioxidant Solution box " all the energy and well-being you need.